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Proposed measures - human resources

Recruitment and selection

Proposed measure:
Developing an informative kit with specific instructions regarding ways to tackle gender discrimination and recognize and prevent stereotypes in the recruiting process
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Provide support to recruiting experts so as to enhance their awareness with regard to the stereotypes that may intervene in the selection process.


September 2022 – May 2023

Target audience

Recruitment experts // Human Resources department // UEFISCDI employees

Secondary objectives

- To raise awareness in UEFISCDI regarding any possible discrimination that could affect the recruitment process
- To improve institutional commitment to gender equality
- To better communicate the measures regarding gender sensitive recruitment protocols


- Research for best practices regarding gender sensitive recruitment protocols
- Developing a first draft of the informative kit
- Gathering feedback from stakeholders regarding the informative kit
- Organizing a training with the recruitment experts and HR department in order to present the measures included in the informative kit
- Informing all UEFISCDI staff about the updates on the recruitment protocols
- Evaluate the recruitment experts’ knowledge on the means to ensure gender equality in the selection process

Performance indicators

- Short term: >90% of all staff should be aware of the existence of gender sensitive recruitment protocols
- Medium term: when evaluated >80% of the recruitment experts should be able to tackle any kind of situation that can lead to discrimination


- One informative kit
- One training session